HomeDownloadsDownloads for SimJunior

Downloads for SimJunior

Directions for Use

DFU 1001658 Pedi IO leg

0.3 MB

IO leg Megacode kid and SimJunior
Quick Setup Guide SimJunior LLEAP English

1.8 MB - English

SimJunior Directions for Use (DFU)

48.8 MB - English

SimJunior Quick Setup Guide (SimPad)

9.6 MB - English

SimJunior Quick Setup Guide (VitalSim)

2.7 MB - English


SimJunior Flyer

1.5 MB - English


SimPad PLUS Downloads

- Multilingual

Use this link to download latest software to SimPad PLUS and manikin (LinkBox PLUS)
SimPad Downloads

- Multilingual

Use this link to download latest software to SimPad and manikin (LinkBox)
USB 3.0 patch for ELO Monitor

74.5 MB

With this patch it is possible to communicate between the ELO monitor and laptops via a USB 3.0 port. The patch also supports newer versions of the ELO monitor and is compatible with Windows 7 software. The patch addresses the following patient simulator versions (only): SimMom 1.0.0 SimBaby 1.6 SimMan 3.5 SimNewB 1.4 SimNewB for VS2 ALS Sim Adv 1.1 ALS Sim Adv for VS2 SimJunior 1.0.2 SimJunior for VS2 SimMan3G 2.3.4 Notice that you have to re-apply the patch if you install additional patient simulators on your computer. Future versions of the simulators will contain the new ELO driver and do not need the patch. However, if you combine a future version with any of the versions listed above, the patch is mandatory. PLEASE NOTE: You must also use the latest version of the Laerdal Debrief Viewer
Delete Registry (USB Smart Set Commands)

0.1 MB - English

This is a fix for touchscreen where function stops working for SimJunior instructor app.
SimJunior Advanced Software for SimPad (Legacy Instructor Application)

274.4 MB - English

  • For PC operation with the SimPad Link Box (will not work with VitalSim control unit) 
  • SimPad Link Box must be operating SimPad Software v 1.0.7 up to v 1.7.5 NOTE: Do not use SimPad SW 5.0.x or higher as this SW is not suitable for the Legacy Instructor Application. Download the latest software from the software section on the SimPad page.
  • This ADVANCED software will only work with ELO touchscreen monitors and is not for use with SimPad Portable Patient Monitor or SimPad 17" Patient Monitors.
SimJunior Debrief Viewer Install

107.7 MB - English

For use with legacy SimJunior Application Software

SimJunior Manikin Update LF RC3

0.1 MB - English

This is manikin firmware only for the Express Study Instructor Application. This firmware is to update the simjr manikin only after it has been updated the 1st time copy "simjr manikin update LF RC3.bat"    to    c:\Program Files(x86)\Laerdal Medical\Program Update

go to  c:\Program Files(x86)\Laerdal Medical\Program Update  and run "simjr manikin update LF RC3.bat"





SimJunior Express Study IA

264.2 MB

Express Study IA for SimJunior with correction factor ver 0.9.1b
SimJunior Scenario Editor Update

4.9 MB

Software update to fix issue with the scenario editor where unlocked scenarios cannot be viewed with the editor. Down the "ScenarioEditorUpdate" to the PC with the Instructor Application and run the application.
Express Study CPR card viewer

9.8 MB - English

CPR Card Viewer

Express Study RFID drivers

0.8 MB - English

RFID drivers

SimJunior VitalSim Software

49.0 MB - English

Software update for existing VitalSim units to add SimJunior functionality. The following programs will be installed/updated: Program update, Scenario Builder, Log and Scenario control. Once downloaded, navigate to , . Select , . For additional directions, please reference the SimJunior Software Program Update instructions in the Maintenance section of the Directions for Use.
SimJunior Advanced Software

237.1 MB - English

SimJunio Instructor Application Software was discontinued September 2014 and replaced by Laerdal Learning Application (LLEAP) Software. Laerdal will ensure availability and support of Instructor Application (latest software version 1.0.2) for a minimum of five years from the date of discontinuation. No additional improvements or modifications will be made to the Instructor Application. In order to access the latest software advancements available for your simulator, please learn more about LLEAP.

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