Danish Institute for Medical Simulation (DIMS)

The Challenge
As the Anaesthesia Department at Herlev University Hospital in Copenhagen, Denmark played a central role in the development of a Danish simulator for anaesthesia in the early 1990s, staff from this department gained early experience with simulation training. Anaesthesiologists and and nurse anaesthetists grew enthusiastic with this new way of training, and wanted to make it available to more medical personnel. Hence, the idea of an institute for simulation training was formed, and along with it, the endeavor to fund this undertaking.

The Customer
The Capital Region of Denmark comprises eight hospitals, including Herlev University Hospital. Herlev is located in greater Copenhagen, Denmark. The hospital – second largest in Denmark - serves a population of 700,000 with regards to selected medical specialties, and facilitates cancer treatment for the Danish population altogether. Herlev administers 26 departments and 4,000 employees.

The Journey
Key drivers from Herlev started to conduct simulation courses for anaesthesia personnel around the country, and as a result, medical simulation training became better known across Denmark. The Capital Region recognized the potential impact simulation training would have, if healthcare personnel from all eight hospitals in the region gained access to this new form of training. Following a time of deliberation, the Capital Region decided to fund the institute for simulation. The financial support was a turning point for Herlev University Hospital, and resulted in the establishment of DIMS.

The Solution
Danish Institute for Medical Simulation (DIMS) was established in 2001. Their main activities are to design and deliver simulation training for multiple users (including lengthy, personalized instructor-led debriefs applied to augment the learning outcome), facilitate training for European instructors, (Train-The-Trainer courses), and conduct patient safety related research. The simulation scenarios are selected – and frequently adjusted- to accommodate the educational needs of each participating group. Pre identified learning objectives are hence integrated with the simulation training. DIMS collaborates with Center for Clinical Education (CEKU) at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, and participates actively in national and international networks. The simulation center is located at the top floor of Herlev University Hospital in Greater Copenhagen, where the modern facilities occupy 2800 sq meters comprising 13 full-scale simulation rooms, 5 control rooms, 7 debriefing rooms, and 3 classrooms. Training equipment currently includes 1 SimMan 3G, 8 SimMan, 3 SimBaby, 1 SimNewB, 6 AV Systems, 8 PCs with MicroSim, 4 Resusci Anne Skills Station, 3 ALS simulators, along with a number of skill trainers and manikins.

The Results
A wide range of healthcare personnel are given the opportunity to train in a safe, controlled environment without causing harm to real patients. Course participants are exposed to a wide variety of clinical conditions where learning objectives are clearly stated ahead. Feedback takes place during lengthy instructor-led debrief sessions, where both individual performance and the capacity as members of a team are in focus.