Resusci Anne Skills Station

Cost and time efficient BLS skills training with focus on quality CPR The Resusci Anne Skills Station provides self-directed Basic Life Support CPR skills training and certification, with the research-proven benefits of voice feedback during training. Through the use of the Laerdal Competence Management System (CMS) it adds the possibility of managing larger groups of trainees can be efficiently managed. CMS can also integrate e-mail systems to automate the process of booking, reminding trainees of their training sessions, and, to provide training certificates.


Product benefits:

  • Educationally effective by focusing on the core skills for BLS training. With the integrated Q-CPR Measurement and Feedback Technology,  trainees are guided with real-time CPR voice feedback according to 2005 AHA/ERC Guidelines for Resuscitation
  • Educationally efficient by offering 24/7 system availability for training and certification and by utilizing research-proven principles of self directed learning with voice feedback.
  • Cost efficient by offering a pay-per-certificate license model which gives Educators and Administrators full overview of BLS training cost per person. Also, the trainees can have just-in-time training when their availability is the best for training, and as the system is based on the principle of Self-Directed Learning one is not dependent on the availability of an instructor.
  • Modular design allows the customer to scale the system with changing training needs by easily adding new “stations” to be connected to the existing Competency Management System

Product features:

  • Fully standalone 24/7 BLS training and certification is offered by way of a Competence Management System reminding trainees to re-train, web-based calendar allows for booking of the Skills Station, software on PC connected to manikin measures and provides corrective and supportive voice feedback, and certificate on completed training and certification is produced automatically.
  • Q-CPR Measurement and Feedback Technology provides real-time guiding voice feedback on the quality of CPR performed 
    - Compression rate, depth and leaning
    - Ventilation frequency, time and volume 
    - CPR interruptions (hands-off time)
  • Customization can be done by the customer on the: 
    - Look and feel of the Skills Station application itself
    - Certificate (text and picture/logo)
    - Introductory video 
    - Voice feedback 
    - Evaluation (parameters can be customised)
  • Modular design provides customer to tune the need for several “training rooms” according to number and distribution of trainees. New Skills Stations can be added to the system as training needs grow.
  • Highly customisable through the possibility of making your personal introductory video, change design and skins on the skills PC and also to change the layout of the certificates.
  • Debriefing according to ERC/AHA 2005 Guidelines is the standard setup of the system. However, one can tune the parameters to fit with most national adaptations of the 2005 Resuscitation Guidelines.

    For more information about Resusci Anne Skills Station, please contact your local Laerdal Sales Representative.