Resusci® Anne Modular System

Introduction to the Adult Modular Manikin System

The Resusci Anne Modular System allows you to tailor make your manikin to meet the diversity of training needs, from the simplest CPR Torso to the full body / full featured CPR-D and First Aid versions.

Resusci® Anne CPR Manikins
The new Resusci Anne continues to be standard for realistic CPR
Training. Its new modular design allows you to deliver more comprehensive "scenario-based" BLS Training.

Resusci® Anne CPR-D Manikins
As defibrillation training becomes a natural extension and basic CPR
training, it is essential that training equipment integrates many of
the key "Chain of Survival" milestones. The training system needs to
be instructor friendly, compact, seamless, and simple to operate.
The CPR - D versions of the Resusci Anne Modular System do all this and more..

Resusci® Anne First Aid/Trauma Manikins
A broad spectrum of Rescue and Advanced First Aid Training can
now be delivered in conjunction with traditional CPR using ANY of
the new Resusci Anne torsos. This is accomplished with the addition of training-specific modular limb kits.