HomeDownloads다운로드: SimPad Arrhythmia Trainer

다운로드: SimPad Arrhythmia Trainer


Directions for Use, Arrhythmia Trainer - English

0.3 MB - English

Directions for Use for SimPad Arrhythmia Trainers manufactured after 15 June 2015. DFU updated to reflect new SimPad compatible connection cable. Adapter cable is no longer required for use.
SimPad Arrhythmia Trainer

43.3 MB - English

Directions for Use for SimPad Arrhythmia Trainer requiring adapter cable for use with SimPad control units.
VitalSim Arrhythmia Trainer

0.7 MB - Multilingual

서울시 서초구 남부순환로 333길 9 효천빌딩 2층 (우) 06725
사업자등록번호 : 114-86-61993
통신판매업신고 : 2012-서울서초-194 
대표이사 : 박태훈
전화 : 02-6714-8800 / 팩스 : 02-6714-8899

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